Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Poop in the tub

My darling daughter was having fun in the bath tonight. She must have been having so much fun, she didn't realize that there was a poopball floating next to her. When her father noticed and pointed it out to her she freaked out and screamed. Needless to say, she got out of the tub and the poop was cleaned up. She then said to me,"Mom, did you poop in the tub when you were a little girl?". Now, I'm not sure if I actually pooped in the bathtub as a child, but I told her I did but that if she feels the urge to poop again to ask to get out and use the potty.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Not another blog on how awesome somebody's kid is

I know, I know. Another blog about how great and funny somebody's kid is. If you're a parent, you think your kid says and does the most funny things. My Magoo(she likes to be called Mr. Magoo), Emma will be three in November. She is kind of crazy, funny and just an overall great kid. I'm really just starting this blog to remember all the funny things she does and says.